Good to know

It should be simple to start a conversation process.
Here you can find answers to some questions.

Information about price

The rates are in accordance with the agreement with the Danish Psychological Association. The hourly rate as of April 1st is approximately DKK 1,171 (rounded to the nearest whole kroner). A psychology session lasts about 50 minutes.

Please note whether you can receive assistance with payment via your insurance company or Sygeforsikring Danmark. The municipality also pays in certain cases. Payment is preferably made via credit card.

In the event of cancellations or changes, payment terms will be agreed upon.

Bank details: Nykredit
Account number: 5560 0054 7311 9550

How long is the waiting time?

Arranged as needed. Special agreements apply in urgent cases.

How much confidentiality does a psychologist have?

As a private practitioner and licensed psychologist, I am bound by confidentiality. This means that I am not allowed to share any personally identifiable information about my clients. Confidentiality covers the entire process, its content, and any potential contacts that could lead to a process.

If you need me to help communicate information, this will be done in collaboration/consultation with you.

Contact me here

Are you ready to take charge of your situation? 
I’m here to help you and answer all inquiries within 24 hours.

General inquiries

Vestervang 6,
8000 Aarhus C

(+45) 23 26 63 18

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You can contact me here or find answers to questions here

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